Hootsuite vs Meet Edgar Comparison

It’s easy to get hooked on to social media, but managing it can be a tough proposition indeed. So when it comes to social media management, finding the right tool is the key. Given the plethora of tools now available online, you’d do well to make a thorough comparison before pitching in for one or the other. We’ve compared here two tools for you to choose from.

Hootsuite and Edgar have a lot of things in common, but then there are some stark differences too, which make distinction easy.

What’s common between them?

Getting down first to the commonalities, Meet Edgar, just like Hootsuite, helps you schedule posts that you want to share on social media. Both provide scheduling support for Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. On Facebook you get support for both profiles and pages, while the Linkedin support is enabled for profiles and company pages.

The key difference

As for the differences, the major one relates to the creation of category-based content library in Meet Edgar.

Unlike Hootsuite, where the post gets deleted from the list of uploads the moment it’s updated on to the social media site, Meet Edgar has the facility to store all the updates in the form of an online library, from where you can pull them out again even after they’ve been posted. And there’s no limit on the number of categories you can create in this library

Another important differences lies in the absence of limit in the number of updates you can save in this library. Hootsuite, on the other hand, has a limitation in all its plans on the number of messages you can queue up.

Scheduling is different too

While both these platforms provide manual scheduling of posts, Hootsuite gives an additional option of an Auto Scheduler, where the posting schedule is left to the app. With Meet Edgar, however, the control over your updating schedule always remains with you – so the security element is higher.

And when it comes to scheduling, viewing your scheduled messages and manually reposting them has to be done through the Scheduler in the case of Hootsuite.

Meet Edgar, however, makes it easy with its automatic feature, using an automatic refilling of the queue feature. Of course, the question may arise in your mind as to why you’d want to reuse old posts in any case. Well, why not, one might ask. Given that the lifecycle of a social media post is extremely short, there’s reason enough for you to want to repost some of your posts at least.

Images are handled differently too

With the social media getting more and more visual by the day, you’d naturally want to post a lot of images too. Now Hootsuite uploads images to Twitter with only a link showing up, while Meet Edgar allows you to upload the images themselves.

Meet Edgar is simpler

Quite clearly, then, there’s a lot of simplicity about Meet Edgar, which Hootsuite is lacking. Not only is the user interface simpler and smooth, the design of the platform itself is crafted for ease of use. What’s more, even the pricing pattern of Meet Edgar boasts simplicity, with no add-ons or hidden costs, unlike Hootsuite, which is full of complexities when it comes to calculating the price.

So which is better?

Notwithstanding the simplicity of Meet Edgar, there are times you may want to go for Hootsuite. It all depends on your specific requirement. Hootsuite is a better option if you don’t want control over your scheduling and are prone to posting one type of posts as a matter of general rule, with a lot of time between posts, and with a large team to handle its complexities.

On the other hand, Meet Edgar is your choice if you require total control over your posts and need to do frequent reposting too, without any complexities to handle.


Considering that Meet Edgar is a newer platform, it’s naturally simpler and easier to use. After all, that’s what technological development is all about. In fact, with every new social media management tool you’re likely to find things getting easier and simpler. But then, at the end of the day, it’s your needs that will dictate your choice of the tool.

If you’re still wondering how critical these decisions are to your business success, check out Social Media Business Blueprint to know how social media management can help you boost your chances of success.

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